She said 'Yes'

What makes Mary the most revered woman in the Bible?



11/25/20244 min read

woman wearing black sleeveless top
woman wearing black sleeveless top

The shops are full of glitter and gifts reminding us that Christmas is not far away. As I prepare for Christmas, I've been reflecting on Mary, the mother of Jesus. God chose her for important reasons. Have you ever wondered what they are?

There's no more exciting story than the one below. And it wouldn't have happened unless Mary said 'Yes' to God's Invitation.

A Divine Invitation

God's plans are unfolding! The angel Gabriel was sent from heaven to visit Mary, a virgin in Nazareth. He announces to her the JOYFUL good news ...

Greetings Mary! You who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you." Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God."

Despite her astonishment (understatement) Mary's only response to this extraordinary news is one question. Just ONE question.

"How will this be,” Mary asked “since I am a virgin?” (v34)

Mary doesn't understand how it's possible for her to get pregnant as she is a virgin. Gabriel explains that God is going to do a miracle!

The angel said, “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High ... and his Kingdom will never end. (v30-33)

Put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if you were like Mary and engaged to be married, preparing for your wedding day? Every one of us would wonder that this huge news meant for our future. For Mary, whatever that looked like, it meant massive upheaval. Her world was about to be turned upside down.

How amazing then that this is her response ...

I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said. (v1:28)

Her decision is one of radical obedience, surrender and profound trust in God.

What else is it about Mary which attracted God's favor, giving her the honor to be the mother of His son?

a man and woman hugging
a man and woman hugging
grayscale photo of baby's feet
grayscale photo of baby's feet

What was it about Mary?

F.A.I.T.H. God saw her faith in Him. This is her most outstanding quality. This is obvious also because of what the angel doesn't tell her! She was given ...

  • NO details about God's plan.

  • NO timeline.

  • NO information about supernatural provision.

  • NO guidance to overcome future obstacles.

  • Nothing. ZERO!

I think most people would have liked some more information if they were given this news. (Even a little bit?!) But no. That didn't happen.

It's also very interesting that the angel only sought HER response. He didn't say ...

  • Talk it over with Joseph and see get his opinion.

  • Ask your family what they think

  • Book a 'clarity' session with your life-coach.

Sure. There are times we are wise to consult others before making a big decision. But this was not one of those times.

So Gabriel waited to see what Mary said. This was between her and God. It was her divine assignment.

What are you going to do Mary?

What is it going to be?

A 'Yes' or a 'No'?

Are you in???

She answers "I am the Lord's servant. "Let it be to me as you have said."

How remarkable. How amazing. How exraordinary!

She demonstrates complete trust in God. She also has a deep knowledge of the scriptures and God's nature. (This also comes out later in the chapter in the words of the "Magnificat" also known as the "Song of Mary." ) In her song, Mary proclaims with great JOY, who God is. The One who ...

  • Lifts up the humble

  • Shows compassion to the lowly

  • Mercy to the broken

  • Feeds the hungry

  • Helps the poor

and more. I encourage you to read it. (Luke 1:46-55)

Mary's relationship with God has shaped her character. She is a humble young woman, gentle and kind.

But she has other qualities too. These would also be needed in order for her to fulfill her calling. God saw in Mary the courage, bravery and determination she would need.

After all, having a child out of wedlock in that culture was a scandalous. There would be rumours and gossip. A damaged reputation. She would be shamed. Rejection from some social circles. Was she accused of lying about an angel visiting her? Was she declared delusional about having a miracle baby?

No doubt.

But God saw that she would put him above all of that. She would have courage in the fire, she would not buckle under the pressures to come. Including of course, seeing her son nailed to the cross. For the world. For each of us. For you.

Yes, Mary had God's favor. But she also had challenges.

Difficulties in life, do not mean we don't have God's favor. That would be a good sentence to read again.

I want to remind you today that you have God's favor. He loves you. He is with you. He is for you. He is working in every challenge you face for good.

Let's learn from Mary. We can choose by faith NOT to need ALL the details of God's plans. We don't need to know the 'what and why and when and how.' Why? Because like Mary, we can put our confidence in the nature of God and his goodness. He is all together FAITHFUL!

My prayer for you as we head into Chritmas is that you re-capture, with wide-eyed wonder the gift of Jesus! Let the joy of the Father's love fill you to overflowing. And take it with you into the weeks ahead. Prepare for Christmas with your heart full.

Jesus is the reason for the season!