We believe that there is only One God, the Eternal Creator, Redeemer and King. God expresses Himself in the persons of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Godhead is the ultimate image of Family. God is love. He is truth. He is life. He is always good.

We believe that there is a Heaven and a hell and that there is an inferior evil spiritual being, the devil.

We believe that Jesus is the exact representation of the Father in human form. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to a virgin. He lived fully as a man, a sinless life, filled with signs and wonders, and gave Himself as a sacrifice for our sins.

We believe that by Jesus' death and resurrection, we have forgiveness of sins and adoption into the Family of God. Our identity is that of beloved sons and daughters of God.

We believe that the example set by Jesus in Water Baptism and the celebration of Communion is a model for our lives and part of our expression as His followers.

We believe that after Jesus' death and resurrection, he ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

We believe that Jesus is coming back for his Bride, the Church, as he promised.

We believe that God the Holy Spirit lives and is at work in us, and that His fruit and gifts are available to all.

We believe that the Bible is the infallible and everlasting Word of God.