At the age of 18 I had a life-changing experience of God's love. A deep healing journey began with God transforming my broken identity. A few years later, I started at bible college and have been in pastoral ministry ever since.
In 2012 I had a vision from the Lord which birthed this ministry. It is based on Jeremiah 1:11 which is a verse about an almond branch. I left my role as a Pastor and have been sharing about the Almond Tree ever since. Not only is this chosen tree a prophetic sign of Jesus, but also the Body of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Our ministry is to the wider Body of Christ and I speak in Churches of all backgrounds. We also have a team trained in prayer and prophetic ministry who attend our workshops as needed.
On a personal note, the photo above was taken earlier this year on our 40th wedding anniversary! Roger is an engineer and is also involved in this ministry. His passion is to see men strongly established in their identity. He leads the men's ministry at our church, a part of the healing team and also involved in prayer ministry.
If you have questions or are interested in a ministry booking, please call (03) 9532 4618 or fill in the form below.
For more information, go to my Bio by clicking on the link below.

Curious to know more about the meaning of the Almond Tree? Discover more in my book "Awaken" Encounter God through the Glory of the Almond Tree."