Words to His Bride
The Bridegroom's Love
8/26/20244 min read
God heart is full of love; He wants to speak to us at such a time as this, and He wants us to listen!
The Lord gave me an assignment earlier this year; to gather His daughters and host an event called "Words to His Bride" sharing the revelation that the Almond Tree is a deep, prophetic sign of the Bridegroom, and His sacrificial love for His Bride.
We gathered on 20th July, with a desire and longing to encounter God and be filled with fresh oil. Part of the day also involved being set ablaze once more for our bridal mission, to bring heaven to earth.
God's Word is a deep treasure chest of revelation. Ultimately it is a love letter from God's heart to ours. Every page, marked with blood, passion, heartbreak and determination is the story of His passionate pursuit of us. It is the epic divine romance which culminates in the book of Revelation.
Love wins!
At this event, a major theme was the breathtaking relationship between the lovers in the Song of Songs.
For centuries, the Church had always understood this book in the bible as an allegory of Jesus' passionate love for His Bride. However, around the 17th century, scholars began to debate, then reject this idea saying the poetic language was only an expression of love between the two lovers in the book. This had a devastating impact on the Church. Ultimately, it caused a rapid decline in bridal theology with the loss of expectation, and personal experience of the deep and intimate love relationship between Jesus and His Bride. How tragic!
But here's the good news! A move of the Holy Spirit is taking place in our time, bringing an awakening and return to what the church in previous times has always known; that the Song of Songs is a deep expression of the passionate love of Jesus the Bridegroom for His Bride, us.
This is the powerful revelation which deeply impacted every woman at our event, as the Lord wooed our hearts into his passionate embrace.
His love is powerful! Praise God!
In the beautiful and passionate language expressed in the Song of Songs Chapter 2 verse 12, the Bridegroom calls out to His Bride "ARISE!"
Jesus is saying that to us today! "My beloved Bride, ARISE in your bridal identity and authority! I am calling you into deep intimacy with me, your Bridegroom. Know that you are loved, precious, chosen and adored!"
The Bride is rising in Australia. We are called to intimacy, purity and purpose. It's time to be filled with FRESH OIL so we are His light, love and healing hands to the broken world around us. Our Bridal mission is to partner with the Bridegroom and bring heaven's love to earth in our nation and beyond.
I released a prophetic word at this event about revival in Australia. Following this, we gathered together in a prophetic act holding the bridal veil which had been on the cross. As one Bride with one mission, we prayed, declared and released this word over the communities we represented, and our nation. We felt joined as we did this, to others in the Body of Christ who are doing the same.
Heaven is listening to the Bride. Australia, revival is here, it's growing. Praise God! Let's keep declaraing together "Lord, Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven!"
*Read the passage that follows from the Song of Solomon, then do the reflection. But before you do, take another look at the gazelles in the picture above. You will notice that gazelles are also mentioned in the reading! How amazing that thousands of years after the Song of Songs was written, gazelles are still bounding through the Israeli countryside among the almond orchards! (I love this picture!)
Listen! My beloved!
Look! Here he comes,
leaping across the mountains,
bounding over the hills.
My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.
Look! There he stands behind our wall,
gazing through the windows,
peering through the lattice.
My beloved spoke and said to me,
“Arise, my darling,
my beautiful one,
come with me.
See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appears on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
The fig tree ripens its figs;
The blossoming vines spread
their fragrance.
ARISE, come, my darling;
my beautiful one,
come with me.”
Above: Israel in Springtime, blossoming almond trees and gazelles bounding through the almond orchard
The Almond Tree is a divinely chosen tree, and a prophetic sign of our bridal relationship with Jesus (something shared in much more detail at this event.) If you are interested in knowing more or hosting an event at your church, please contact our office for more information.
This reading from Song of Songs is an invitation to intimacy. Jesus, the Bridegroom is passionately in love with us (you) His Bride. Receive the Bridegroom's deep love. Allow yourself to be held in His embrace. Ask Jesus to tell you about His deep love for you. Journal your experience.
Copyright (c) Almond Tree Ministries